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49: Easy Times Brewing Co

Style: Lager - Helles
ABV: 5.0%

Forget the hot topic issues of climate change or whether minors should drive forklifts, this GABS beer addresses the biggest threat our species is yet to face! Take a soft water base, 100% pilsner malt and some noble hops; you've got yourself a crisp, crackery Munich Helles. Then...

61: Easy Times Brewing Co

Style: Sour - Pastry
ABV: 6.0%

In a world of beer gone mad it's sometimes difficult to tell where a drink stops being beer and starts being....uhh....a fermented malt beverage. If you can't beat them, join them! Easy Times Carnival Sour is our shot at jumping on the meme beer bandwagon! Laden with edible glitt...