Unofficial Beverage Rater - CHOC-O-BOCK

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17: Stoic Brewing (NSW)

Style: Doppelbock ABV: 7.9%
Character: Malt (Fruity)
Complexity: Adventurous

Malty, rich and smooth, this deep red historical lager gives off beautiful chocolate and dark fruit notes. Added organic Peruvian cacao nibs and Australian grown muscatel raisins complement the unique specialty malt bill.


Review Title: Needs more chocolate…
Review Description: Yeah it definitely needs more chocolate. Otherwise it’s pretty ok
Overall Rating: 4
Aroma: 4
Appearance: 4
Mouthfeel: 4
Taste: 4

Review Title: Not that chocolate
Review Description: Despite its name it's not as much chocolate as chocolate adjacent. A nice rating beer but nothing special with a caramel Brown colour.
Overall Rating: 3
Aroma: 3
Appearance: 4
Mouthfeel: 3
Taste: 3