Unofficial Beverage Rater - S-CREAM-MAR

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74: Ocean Reach Brewing

Style: Specialty Beer ABV: 9.8%
Character: Sour/Tart (Fruity & Creamy)
Complexity: Adventurous

This imperial smoothie sour is a s-cream-mar, alright! Loaded with strawberries, cream and toasted marshmallow and topped with vanilla bean and oats. Packing as much texture as it does flavour it’s thick, juicy, creamy and tart all rolled into one!


Review Title: A screamer
Review Description: A bit of sweet and sour with this beer. A light orange colour and very light. Easy to drink.
Overall Rating: 4
Aroma: 4
Appearance: 4
Mouthfeel: 3
Taste: 5

Review Title: Definitely a screamer
Review Description: Thin nose with a sweet and sour fruity tingle of a taste. Quite a pleasurable mix of sweet and sour. Short finish but is all good
Overall Rating: 3
Aroma: 4
Appearance: unrated
Mouthfeel: unrated
Taste: unrated