Unofficial Beverage Rater - S’MOOREBEER

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12: Moorebeer Brewing Co (NSW)

Style: Stout - Sweet Stout ABV: 6.7%
Character: Roast (Silky & Sweet)
Complexity: Stepping Up

This medley of gooey fire roasted marshmallows and melty chocolate smooshed between biccies will have you going back for Moore…


Review Title: Snore or more
Review Description: This is a hard one to classify it's tasty but not as delicious as it could be. A strong taste to begin with dissipates to an average aftertaste. Very dark and sweet.
Overall Rating: 3
Aroma: 4
Appearance: 3
Mouthfeel: 3
Taste: 3

Review Title: Smokey
Review Description: One Smokey smoore. Something from Adam’s smoker?
Overall Rating: 4
Aroma: 4
Appearance: 4
Mouthfeel: 3
Taste: 4